
Ordering repeat prescriptions

The best way to order your medication is online via the NHS app. You can download the NHS app free via your app store. Once you are registered you just need to click on ‘Request repeat prescriptions’ and your repeat medication will be available to order.

Download this user guide that shows you how to order your repeat prescription via the NHS App.

You can also order medication by marking what you need from the tear-off repeat slip on your last prescription then posting it in to the white prescriptions box in reception.

Please allow two full working days for prescriptions to be processed and remember to take weekends and bank holidays into account.

Once the practice has processed your request please check with your local pharmacy as they will sometimes take up to seven days to process your order especially if they need to order in some of your medications that they might not have in stock.

We continue to not accept prescription requests over the phone, for reasons of safeguarding patient safety.

Prescriptions for new medication can only be issued following consultation with the Doctor, please submit a Patchs request.

Order your repeat prescription

Due to the increasing numbers of patients requesting their prescription on an urgent basis, the practice has needed to instate an Urgent Prescription Policy

  • Requests for prescriptions outside the normal prescription protocol impacts significantly on both doctors, and administration staff time as well as increasing the risk of a medication prescribing error.
  • Unless a medication is clinically urgent, requests will be processed routinely (over 2 working days).
  • As a surgery, we require a minimum of 2 working days to process a patients request for medication routinely.

Please respect our staff

  • Our reception and administrative staff are to always follow this policy and they are not authorised to make any exceptions.
  • Staff are not allowed to interrupt the duty GP during surgery.
  • This policy is put in place to protect our patients and our staff, and we will not tolerate any abuse to or of our staff as they are following policy.

Many medications can safely be missed for a few days.

  • Urgent prescription requests are requests for emergency medication which are needed within 24 hours to prevent the patient from becoming seriously ill.
  • Urgent prescription requests are not requests for medication which have been ordered late as it is the patient’s responsibility to ensure that repeat prescription requests are ordered in time.
  • This will ensure safe prescribing and optimise access to the clinical team.

Queries about your medication

If you have a query with regards to your medication please call 0151 327 1391 option 2 between 10:00 – 14:00.

NHS App Order via NHS App – In order to register for this service please follow the instructions embedded into the link

Pharmacy services

Do you have a minor illness or ailment? You may be able treat your symptoms at home.

Your local pharmacy or chemist can provide you with expert advice for free.

Many pharmacies even have private consultation rooms and are open in the evenings and weekends. Check with your local pharmacy for their opening hours.

Pharmacists can advise on how to treat the following:

  • Uncomplicated urinary tract infection (UTI) – Women between 16-64 years
  • Shingles Adults – Adults between 18 years and over
  • Impetigo (non-bullous) – Adults and children 1 year and over
  • Infected insect bites – Adults and children 1 year and over
  • Acute sore throat – Adults and children 5 years and over
  • Acute sinusitis – Adults and children 12 years and over
  • Acute otitis media – Children 1-17 years

If your problem is more serious and needs the attention of a GP, your pharmacist will recognise this and advise you to see your GP instead.