Clinics & Services

Extended Access

Your Healthier South Wirral Primary Care Network offers extended access appointments which are available during the day and at the weekend.

You will be offered an appointment at one of the two hubs located at:

  • Allport Surgery, 43 Bridle Road, Bromborough, Wirral CH62 6EE
  • Sunlight Group Practice, Sefton Rd, New Ferry, Birkenhead, New Ferry CH62 5HS

Nurse Clinics

Our Practice Nursing Team consists of six multi-skilled and highly motivated Nurses, Nurse Associate, Health Care Assistants and a Health Coach. The aim of the team is to provide the highest standard of nursing care, which includes the promotion of health and helping patients manage their chronic diseases. The services the offer include:

  • Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • Advice on health behaviours (Health Coach)
  • Doppler Assessment
  • Domiciliary Visits
  • Dressings
  • ECG
  • Injections
  • Medicals
  • Suture Removal
  • Spirometry
  • Dementia & Memory Assessments
  • Elderly Health Assessments for all patients aged 75+
  • NHS Health Checks for all patients 40-74 with no previous history of heart disease or diabetes (Patients only need 1 check every 5 years)
  • Basic Travel Clinic

General Clinics


When: Monday,Tuesday,Thursday afternoons
Led By: Practice Nurse
Who is it for: All our Asthma & COPD patients who need monitoring on a yearly basis

How do you make an appointment:

  1. Via a yearly recall system
  2. At GPs request to ring reception

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Monitor and improve the care of your breathing problems
  2. Advice on inhaler technique and medication
  3. Smoking advice
  4. Review disease status

The clinic aims to improve patient’s quality of life through better management of their disease using the guidelines of the British Thoracic Society. Our aim is to get you actively involved in the management of your disease through a greater understanding of asthma to enable you to lead a healthier life.

Flu vaccinations

When: Yearly Oct – Dec
Led by: Practice Nurse/HCA
Who is it for: Patients over 65, Patients under 65 with specific chronic disease

How do you make an appointment: Following a letter of invite ring reception

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Health status and allergy check
  2. Vaccination given

Diabetes Clinic

When: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Led by: Practice Nurse
Who is it for: New & existing patients who have been diagnosed with diabetes

How do you make an appointment:

  1. Invite via recall letter
  2. At reception for newly diagnosed patients

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Dietary advice
  2. Advice on home monitoring of your blood sugar
  3. Examination to check blood pressure etc
  4. Blood and urine tests
  5. Review of your blood sugar control and your medication

The aim of the Diabetes Clinic is to increase the awareness and understanding of diabetes through education and minimise complications by regular monitoring of the condition.

Woman and Children Clinics


When: Tuesday afternoon and Friday morning
Led By: Midwife
Who is it for: Ladies over 14 weeks pregnant

How do you make an appointment: Ring Reception on 327 1391

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Check Babies Heartbeat
  2. Blood Pressure Check
  3. Diet Advice
  4. General Healthcare

Cervical Smear

When: Monday to Friday
Lead by: Practice Nurse
Who is it for: Ladies between the ages of 25 – 65

How do you make an appointment: Ring Reception on 327 1391

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Liquid based Cytology Cervical Smear

If you need cancel an appointment for any reason or discuss any issues around cytology our specialist nurse, Sara Finnegan will be be happy to speak to you.

We offer cervical cancer screening at our surgery to all our female patients who are eligible. The Government recommends that all women between the ages of 25 and 64 have a cervical smear test every three to five years, depending on your age.

Child Clinics

Child Health Care

When: Tuesday afternoon, Friday morning
Led by: Doctor
Who is it for: 8 week old babies

How do you make an appointment:

An appointment will be sent to you from the practice when baby is approx 4 weeks old

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. General Paediatric Check
  2. Baby is measured and weighed
  3. Health Promotion

Child Immunisation

When: Tuesday afternoon, Friday morning
Led By: Practice Nurses
Who is it for: Children pre-school age and under

How do you make an appointment:

  1. Appointment sent out by child health Clatterbridge
  2. Or attend at the times above

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Immunisation of child
  2. Advice

Blood Related Clinics

Warfarin Monitoring

When: Monday to Friday
Led by: Practice Nurse/Healthcare Assistant
Who is it for: Patients who are taking warfarin for specific reasons commenced by hospital or GP

How do you make an appointment:

  1. Given next appointment when attending clinic
  2. New patients invited by telephone

What Happens at the of Clinic:

  1. Finger Prick Blood Test
  2. Blood tested on premises
  3. Results/medication reviewed

Elderly Clinics

Elderly Person Healthcheck

When: Monday, Wednesday & Friday PM
Led by: Practice Nurse/HCA
Who is it for: Patients over the age of 75 looking at their holistic needs

How do you make an appointment: Invite on a yearly basis by letter or telephone

What Happens at the Clinic:

Full assessment of patients medical, social and physical needs

Housebound Elderly Health Screening

The practice issues invitations to all our elderly housebound patients over the age of 75 for an annual health check.The annual screening is an opportunity to check on the physical and mental well-being of our elderly housebound patients and also to ensure that they are receiving all the help that is available to them.

Travel Clinic

The practice offers travel vaccinations to all registered patients. Travel Health Assessment must be carried out in advance of any vaccinations.  This will determine which vaccinations are needed for your trip and give you the opportunity to discuss any other travel health needs with the nurse.

First appointment should be a minimum of 6 weeks before travel if possible – however vaccinations can be given later but this needs to be discussed with a nurse.

Vaccine Time Frame Doses Cost Repeat dose Comment
Hep A No charge NHS Vaccine
Typhoid 1 No charge 3 years NHS Vaccine
Tetanus/Diptheria & Polio 1 No charge 10 years NHS Vaccine
Hepatitis B Needs to be discussed face to face 3 £35 each £105 for course 5 years Recommended for backpackers/students going travelling and other travellers etc.
Malaria 1 course per trip £15 for private prescription Per trip The nurse will discuss and arrange private prescription. Patient picks up tablets from pharmacy
Meningitis ACWY 1 £39 Per trip Mid Africa

Additional GP Services

  • Work Based Medicals such as HGV, ENG, Oil & Gas Seafarers Medicals
  • Joint Injections
  • Coil Fittings, checks and removals
  • Contraceptive Implants, checks and removals
  • Dermatology Clinics
  • Advanced Care Planning for Unplanned Hospital Admissions and End of Life
  • Carer’s Assessments
  • Minor Operations for removals of cysts, warts, skins tags etc. (Patients will be listed for minor operations by a GP if indicated)