Wellbeing Practitioners – Meet our team

What are Wellbeing Practitioners?

Wellbeing Practitioners empowers people to take control of their health and wellbeing. They give people time to focus on ‘what matters to me’ and take a holistic approach to an individual’s health and wellbeing. They work with  a range of people who may benefit from social prescribing, including people who are lonely, have complex social needs, low level mental health needs and long-term conditions. 

Wellbeing Practitioners support people by connecting them to non-medical, community-based activities, groups and services that meet their practical, social and emotional needs, including specialist advice services and arts and culture, physical activity, and nature and green based activities. They use coaching and motivational interviewing techniques to support people to take control of their own health and wellbeing.

The video below gives you more information about our team that are here to support you.